Fancy A Run UPDATE v1.1

Update v1.1 is here for Fancy A Run!

The updates include:

- Improved Jumping: The jump now accounts for variable key hold times allowing the player to have much more control.

- Updated power up system: Coins are now used to purchase the powerups.

- Updated UI: Displays for coins, powerups, volume controls, exiting the game and resetting game play tips have all been updated.

- Pausing system: Pausing the game can now be done with the escape key. This overlaps with the full screen setting which is an issue that I am looking into. What do you think is another commonly used key for pause in games? If you have any suggestions on this please send me a message!

- Platform generation: The gameplay area has been opened up and the full screen is much more utilized due to an updated system for generating the pathways and platforms for the player to jump onto. 

It's been a significant improvement over all when compared to the release version of the game so I am happy with the progress. There are more issues that I am trying to tackle, along with  other new features . Which means work on version 1.2 will be starting soon!

I'll be sharing a dev log video on my YouTube channel soon giving a little bit more insight and detail about the work that went into the update for v1.1.  If you would like to watch the dev log you can subscribe to my channel to see it when it comes out here:

Thank you to everyone who has tried the game it's been really fun learning to code so far and I look forward to continuing to improve.

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